

"There is no limit to what we as women can accomplish "-- Michelle Obama 

My Story

“Motherhood is not where dreams go to die.”  When I saw this headline on today.com’s website, words of a frustrated mother I had met years ago at a volunteer camp flooded my mind. Minutes into a discussion about ‘a woman and her dreams’, she asked: “why do women’s dream die once they get married?" I just nodded in affirmation to a truth I was living at the time. I had three toodlers and was falling under the weight of caring for them and realising my potential. I couldn't see past that season when they were younger. After a few years, I was able to carry my weight and achieve a number of goals I set for myself. 

No doubt, at the time when women start having kids, it always seem as if there is an invisible wall between her and her dreams. And it may be difficult for her to see that there can be a breakthrough after that season of nurturing her little ones. 

As a writer and mom of three kids, I  want to empower young women and moms with my words. I have met many of them who said they have not lived their lives or that they sacrificed their dreams to become a "stay at home mom". I want young women to know that there are many ways to kill a rat(achieve their dreams)! 

My vision with hapiwify is to help young women unlock their potential and pursue their dreams. It is key to having a thriving marriage, raising great kids and living a fulfilling life. 

Platforms where I have been featured to speak about how women and young people can unlock their potentials and achieve their dreams. 

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